It all starts with firewood.

Mesquite firewood from the Sonoran Desert is considered a high-end firewood that produces superior fire quality .

La Leña Resalta el Sabor del Café

Enhances the flavor of coffee more

This type of wood is hard, dense, with high calorific value and a longer combustion period. This type of heat helps to bring out the best in our coffee beans.

See our coffees
Leña de Mezquite para Tostar Café

Respect nature

Here at HUUPA® we only use dry tree firewood. We like to think that we are giving mesquite a second life . Because of its quality, we found that very little firewood is required to roast the beans.

La Leña tiene Alma

It's Authentic

Firewood keeps our culinary traditions alive. Before electricity, before gas, there was firewood. And, as the ethnic groups of the Sonoran Desert say: mesquite has a soul.

Only organic beans from the best coffee-growing mountains in Mexico.

It is very important for us to use the right grain to create a unique transformation when roasted with our mesquite wood.

Granos Orgánicos de la Montañas del Sur de México

We seek out and take great care of our relationship with small coffee growers in the mountains of southern Mexico. They have the mastery and tradition inherited through generations.

From them we learned which grains are suitable for processing with mesquite wood and giving them that very HUUPA® flavor.

CLICK HERE to learn about our coffees from the Soconusco region.

We discover how the incredible grains grown in nano and micro lots, in a very personal way, in regions such as Amatenango de la Frontera or Atitlán, They produce coffees of the highest quality and international recognition.

CLICK HERE to see our LIMITED EDITION Specialty Coffee .
Regiones Cafetaleras Huupa

In the coffee-growing regions of Veracruz, we take advantage of the experience of its people to extract caffeine in a natural and nature-friendly way , to create a decaffeinated coffee with body and better flavor .

CLICK HERE to see our Decaf coffee.

From each of them we understood their ways of dialoguing with nature, just as we learned to respect the legendary Mezquite firewood .

Finally, the roast that does the magic.

It took us a while to find the right mesquite grains and firewood to create something special . Not all firewood is created equal and not all mesquite firewood is the same. There are levels . Discovering them became our obsession.

Tueste de Café con Leña de Mezquite

Our mission became to transform those elements of nature and create something different, with a unique flavor. We dedicated time, love and effort to finding the roasting process that would best highlight the qualities of a coffee.

Mike Platt Tostador de Café en Leña de Mezquite

Roasting coffee over Sonoran mesquite wood allows for more precise adjustment of heat intensity and duration of exposure to the fire.

The result? The transformation of the coffee beans, with the help of this great fire, into a cup of coffee richer in aromas, textures and flavours.

Enjoy your coffee moment .

See our coffees