How to make coffee at home: a complete guide for new coffee lovers

When it comes to a good cup of coffee, we all have our favorite coffee shops. But, on those days when you're stuck at home or too busy to go out, knowing how to make coffee at home can be a real lifesaver.

That's why we're going to tell you the secrets of baristas so you can learn how to prepare a delicious drink without leaving your home, even if you have no idea how much coffee to put in the coffee maker!

Learn how to make coffee at home

To make good coffee, there are a variety of methods that will allow you to obtain a delicious drink, from the simplest to the most elaborate. None is inherently superior to another. What really matters is choosing good beans, ensuring roast freshness, and taking care of the coffee-to-water ratio (Jeon, 2020). More on that later. For now, let’s explore the main coffee extraction methods so you can find your favorite.

how to make coffee at home

How to make coffee with a drip or filter coffee maker

The filter or drip coffee maker is one of the most popular in Mexico, and it is very likely that you already have one at home. So, it is time to learn how to get the most out of it. To do this you will need:

  • Cold filtered water and a little warm water.
  • Finely ground coffee.
  • Paper filter.

To prepare it, follow these steps:

  1. Fill the coffee maker with filtered water, depending on the amount you want to prepare.
  2. Place the paper filter in place; this will prevent coffee grounds from passing through, ensuring a smooth, lump-free drink.
  3. Add the amount of ground coffee according to the amount of water you have added to the coffee maker. How much? One tablespoon of ground coffee per cup of water is a good starting point. If you prefer to be more precise, we will explain how to measure the exact ratio of water to coffee later on, so read on.
  4. Turn on the coffee maker and wait for your coffee to be ready.

The result is a delicious cup with medium body and a balanced flavor.

Tip: If you're looking for a more gourmet touch, before turning on the coffee maker, pour a little warm water over the ground coffee and stir gently. This will allow the coffee to "bloom," that is, activate and release a few bubbles. Wait for the bubbles to disappear and turn on the machine.

French Press

How to make coffee with a French press

You don't have to travel to Paris to enjoy a good coffee made with a French press. All you need is:

  • Hot filtered water.
  • Coarsely ground coffee.

To prepare it, follow these steps:

Place the ground coffee in the bottom of the coffee maker.

  1. Pour in some hot water and stir to activate the coffee. Wait a couple of minutes for the bubbles to disappear. As explained above.
  2. Add the rest of the hot water, mix again and replace the lid.
  3. Let it steep for 4 or 5 minutes.
  4. Lower the plunger and wait a couple of minutes before serving.

The result is a creamy, full-bodied drink, thanks to the natural oils in the coffee that pass through the metal filter of this coffee maker (Jeon, 2020).

Italian coffee maker

How to make coffee with an Italian coffee maker

The Italian coffee maker or moka pot is perfect for obtaining a strong and concentrated coffee (Jeon, 2020). The two ingredients you need are:

  • Filtered water.
  • Finely ground coffee.

To prepare your drink, follow these steps:

  1. Add hot water to the bottom container of the coffee maker, up to the mark on the valve. Make sure not to fill it above the mark.
  2. Place the perforated metal filter over the water and fill completely with ground coffee.
  3. Attach the top of the coffee maker and screw it on tightly.
  4. Cook over medium heat with the lid open and turn off as soon as you hear the beep that indicates the coffee is starting to come out. Do not allow it to boil, as this could ruin the flavor.
  5. Remove from heat and wait a couple of minutes before serving.

The result is a full-bodied cup with an intense flavour, ideal for those who enjoy a strong drink.

Tip: Use warm or hot water instead of cold water to avoid letting the coffee sit on the heat for too long, which could overheat it.

How to make coffee without a coffee maker

Don't have a coffee maker? Don't worry. Here we teach you how to do it at home without needing one. You will only need:

  • A strainer, made of cloth or paper.
  • A pot for heating water.
  • A jug for pouring freshly brewed coffee.
  • Good quality ground coffee.

The process is simple, but these tips will help you get the best flavor and aroma:

  1. Place the coffee filter over the carafe.
  2. Add the ground coffee.
  3. Pour in a small amount of hot water and stir well for a couple of minutes to allow the coffee to release its air bubbles.
  4. Wait for the bubbles to disappear.
  5. Add the rest of the hot water slowly and in circular movements.
  6. Let it strain completely and wait a couple of minutes before serving.

The result is a drink that preserves natural oils well, guaranteeing an aromatic and flavorful cup.

Points to consider

Regardless of the brewing method you choose, the most important thing is to get the best quality beans possible. Using fresh, whole beans can make a big difference, as can properly grinding them to the optimal size and consistency for the specific method (Jeon, 2020). Here's how to choose the best coffee for exceptional results.

Huupa coffees

Choose the best coffee

The acidity, flavor, and intensity of coffee largely depend on the growing region. Each has unique characteristics that influence the flavor profile of the coffee. For example, the Americas are known for producing some of the best coffee beans in the world . These beans are typically less acidic and have a light roast, which brings out their smooth and balanced notes (Nederbo, n.d.). So, if you're looking for how to make it delicious and comforting, you already know which beans to choose.

The perfect coffee roast

Coffee roasting plays a crucial role in the taste of the drink. On the market you can find different roasting grades, each with a unique flavor profile (NCA, n.d.):

  • Light roast: Produces light brown beans, ideal for milder coffee varieties. Highlights the most delicate and acidic notes.
  • Medium Roast: Produces medium brown beans, with a balance between acidity and body, offering richer and more complex flavors.
  • Medium-dark roast: Produces beans that are a darker shade than the previous one, but not completely black. This process allows the coffee's oils to be released, providing a slightly bittersweet flavour.
  • Dark Roast: Produces shiny black beans with an oily surface and more intense bitterness.

We recommend that you learn how to do it with different roasts until you find the one you like best.

The importance of grinding

One of the secrets of baristas to prepare it better is to grind the beans at the moment, which guarantees that they retain all their flavor and aroma (Nederbo, n.d.).

When you buy coffee that is already ground, it loses its characteristics over time. For a superior experience, it is always best to grind the beans just before brewing (Lentz, 2022).

Take care of the coffee-water ratio to obtain the perfect consistency

The ratio of coffee to water is crucial when it comes to knowing how to make coffee to achieve a cup with the perfect consistency (Lentz, 2022). We suggest following the 1:18 rule, which consists of using 18 grams of water for every gram of coffee. This ratio generally produces a cup with a light body and a noticeable intensity of flavor.

For accurate results, use a scale. If you don't have one, you can use 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 180 milliliters of water.

How to make coffee : water is also important

To prepare a good coffee at home, it is also essential to use filtered or mineral water (Nederbo, n.d.). Do not use tap water, since if it has a bad taste, the result will not be optimal (Lentz, 2022).

Additionally, water temperature is a key variable. For a perfect cup, water should be between 92-95°C (Lentz, 2022). Specifically, keep in mind the following:

  • Light roast coffees: can withstand more heat, around 95°C.
  • Medium or dark roast coffees: These taste best when brewed with water at a temperature close to 92°C.

Therefore, consider adjusting the temperature according to the roast level, so that you can extract all its flavor and aroma.

Final tips for learning how to make coffee

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different types of beans, grind settings, and brewing methods to find your perfect match. Practice and curiosity will help you hone your technique and discover new ways to enjoy this beverage.

Last tip: Clean your coffee maker thoroughly at least once a month. You can do this with a mixture of vinegar, baking soda and water. Let it sit overnight and then rinse with clean water.

Now is your time to become a professional barista in your own kitchen. Learn how to make coffee once and for all, enjoy the process and savor every cup you make. WOW, that coffee won't make itself!

Bibliographic references
Jeon, H. (2020, April 23). Here's How to Make Coffee at Home Using 7 Different Brewing Methods. Good Housekeeping.
NCA. (sf). Coffee Roast Guide.
Nederbo, E. (sf). 10 barista-approved tips for making high-quality coffee at home . Ready Set Eat.
Lentz, C. (2022, October 9). 14 ways to make great coffee at home, according to experts. Business Insider .